Satire about How Not To Fall Off Your Roof


How Not To Be Required to explain your Broken Shoulder to Others

Learn to defy gravity. If you're not able to do this and you're not able to, don't put yourself in a situation that might result in you having to accomplish this.

A Way To Avoid Having to pay for ambulance fees.

Do not cause injury to yourself by falling off your roof.

A Way to Not Have to answer the Emergency Room Doctor's many questions. Studies show that falling off A Roof is often the cause of Ambulance Rides.

Do not do anything that could require an ambulance to be called in.

How to Avoid Being Forced to pay your insurance deductible In the earliest possible time. Bearded Brothers Techs are Fully Insurance-Insured

Do not do anything that could lead to a large medical bill. Research has proven that ER visits can be extremely expensive.

How Do You Make Sure That Throwing a Ball with Junior Will Happen In The Distant future.

A fall on your throwing arm, or on either arm could result in a loss of use until the rehab process is completed.

What shoes should you wear when inspecting your roof.

The ones currently still on the ground. Bearded Brothers Techs have years of experience working on roofs, examining repair or replacing related materials.

An Efficacious Method to Keep Your Partner from getting angry with You While Inspecting Your Roof

Examine the ottawa roofing from the ground. There is a significant danger for homeowners to stand on the roof to take an "look at". If you are concerned you should contact a professional climb to the roof for more of a view.

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